「AI胡搞Crypto早报 」2024/7/2
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2. ❇️DeFi
a. 过去1天新项目
b. 项目列表
c. 相关项目
AIP is now live for the development of Aave 2030, including Aave V4 and the new visual identity
Zeta Markets launches native token ZEX, starts airdrop distribution
3. 🌏Macro
Coinbase All Apps Rank: today 262, 7 days 253 -3.56%, 30 days 203 -29.06%
Coinbase Financial Apps Rank: today 13, 7 days 18 27.78%, 30 days 11 -18.18%
4. 🐳巨鲸动向
曾参与以太坊 ICO 的鲸鱼在沉寂 209 天后今日将 25.49 万枚 ETH 和 7000 枚 ETH 转入 Kraken,目前仍持有 4 万枚 ETH
Abraxas Capital在过去15小时内提取6万枚ETH并存入Spark作为抵押品借款,同时贷出1亿枚DAI存入Binance